Año 2021
Actividades realizadas
- Informe de transparencia: Uso de animales con fines científicos en la UMH en el año 2021
- Formación:
- Formación inicial funciones a, b, c y d año 2021
- Formación continua:
- Promoción de las 3 Rs y divulgación de la utilidad de la investigación con animales:
- Informe anual 2021 del acuerdo COSCE de transparencia sobre el uso de animales en experimentación científica en España
- Informe estadístico anual 2021 del uso de animales en la investigación y docencia en España del Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación
- Curso de Estadística Aplicada en Neurociencias y la investigación con animales: 22-29 de septiembre
- Publicada la Guía sobre el mantenimiento de la capacitación del personal (usuario de animales de experimentación)
- Guías sobre evaluación ética de proyectos con animales: Guide de l’évaluation éthique des projets 2021
- Congreso SECAL 2021: 17-19 Noviembre
- Alternatives to animal testing at the JRC: the 2021 status report is out
- Divulgación de avances biomédicos gracias al uso de animales en investigación:
- Arte y Neurociencia durante la Semana del Cerebro en la UMH
- Cómo la veterinaria contribuye al avance de la medicina humana
- Los actuales sustitutos del bisfenol-A también provocan alteraciones metabólicas, según un estudio dirigido por la UMH
- Una investigación del Instituto de Neurociencias UMH-CSIC avala la idoneidad de los modelos de ratón en Parkinson, Huntington o TDAH
- Descubierto un nuevo mecanismo de formación de la memoria social
- Un estudio coliderado por el Instituto de Neurociencias UMH-CSIC descifra las claves genómicas de la atrofia del hipocampo en la epilepsia
- El tratamiento para un ojo lesionado o inflamado debería aplicarse en ambos ojos, según un estudio de la UMH
- Investigadores del Instituto de Neurociencias UMH-CSIC identifican un mecanismo que controla el inicio de la pubertad
- La spin-off AntalGenics del Parque Científico desarrolla un neurofármaco para eliminar el pico producido por la psoriasis
- Más de 70 científicos debaten sobre los avances en la comprensión de los mecanismos implicados en el dolor crónico y el prurito
- El laboratorio de Neurobiología Ocular explica cómo funciona una lágrima artificial para el ojo seco
- La Caja Rural Central patrocina el desarrollo de nuevos antitumorales para el tratamiento del cáncer de colon en la UMH
- Un compuesto desarrollado por investigadores de la UMH reduce el picor de la psoriasis sin producir efectos secundarios
- El Instituto de Neurociencias organiza el seminario online «La nariz como sensor de enfermedad»
- La start-up Symbiota del PCUMH desarrolla ecosistemas bacterianos in vitro para optimizar los estudios preclínicos con fármacos
- Investigadores del Instituto de Neurociencias UMH-CSIC transforman astrocitos en neuronas específicas para reparar circuitos visuales
- Visualizan los circuitos de oxitocina y vasopresina en 3D con una resolución sin precedentes
- Investigadores de la UMH logran estimular la visión en una persona ciega para que pueda percibir formas simples y letras
Artículos publicados
- Non-productive angiogenesis disassembles Aß plaque-associated blood vessels
- Pointing Out Some Issues Regarding Reproduction Management in Murciano-Granadina Goats
- Unilateral Corneal Insult Also Alters Sensory Nerve Activity in the Contralateral Eye
- Sublayer- and cell-type-specific neurodegenerative transcriptional trajectories in hippocampal sclerosis
- Relationship between Prenatal Characteristics and Body Condition and Endocrine Profile in Rabbits
- Cannabidiol Modulates Behavioural and Gene Expression Alterations Induced by Spontaneous Cocaine Withdrawal
- Immunomodulatory Lectin-like Peptides for Fish Erythrocytes-Targeting as Potential Antiviral Drug Delivery Platforms
- Development of a Prodrug of Camptothecin for Enhanced Treatment of Glioblastoma Multiforme
- Cannabidiol and Sertraline Regulate Behavioral and Brain Gene Expression Alterations in an Animal Model of PTSD
- Wnt1 Role in the Development of the Habenula and the Fasciculus Retroflexus
- Antiviral Function of NKEF against VHSV in Rainbow Trout
- Increased P2×2 receptors induced by amyloid-ß peptide participates in the neurotoxicity in alzheimer’s disease
- Temporal Dynamics and Neuronal Specificity of Grin3a Expression in the Mouse Forebrain
- Development of the hypersecretory phenotype in the population of adrenal chromaffin cells from prehypertensive SHRs
- Automatic Prestimulation on Dairy Goats: Milking Efficiency and Teat-End Status
- Tangential Intrahypothalamic Migration of the Mouse Ventral Premamillary Nucleus and Fgf8 Signaling
- Sodium Channel Blockers Modulate Abnormal Activity of Regenerating Nociceptive Corneal Nerves After Surgical Lesion
- Phenylalanine-Derived ß-Lactam TRPM8 Modulators. Configuration Effect on the Antagonist Activity
- Effect of Vacuum Level and Pulsation Parameters on Milking Efficiency and Animal Welfare of Murciano-Granadina Goats Milked in Mid-Line and Low-Line Milking Machines
- Expression of the cold thermoreceptor TRPM8 in rodent brain thermoregulatory circuits
- Ventricular Fibrosis and Coronary Remodeling Following Short-Term Exposure of Healthy and Malnourished Mice to Bisphenol A
- Effects of a high-fat diet and global aryl hydrocarbon receptor deficiency on energy balance and liver retinoid status in male Sprague-Dawley rats
- Functional Interactions between Entorhinal Cortical Pathways Modulate Theta Activity in the Hippocampus
- Bone toxicity induced by 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) and the retinoid system: A causality analysis anchored in osteoblast gene expression and mouse data
- Body-fat sensor triggers ribosome maturation in the steroidogenic gland to initiate sexual maturation in Drosophila
- Induction of foxp3 during the Crosstalk between Antigen Presenting Like-Cells MHCII(+)CD83(+) and Splenocytes CD4(+)IgM(-) in Rainbow Trout
- Delta Opioid Receptor in Astrocytes Contributes to Neuropathic Cold Pain and Analgesic Tolerance in Female Mice
- DD04107-Derived neuronal exocytosis inhibitor peptides: Evidences for synaptotagmin-1 as a putative target
- Cannabidiol prevents priming- and stress-induced reinstatement of the conditioned place preference induced by cocaine in mice
- Terminal Crossbreeding of Murciano-Granadina Goats to Boer Bucks: Effects on Reproductive Performance of Goats and Growth of Kids in Artificial Rearing
- Role of aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) in overall retinoid metabolism: Response comparisons to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) exposure between wild-type and AHR knockout mice
- Failures of nerve regeneration caused by aging or chronic denervation are rescued by restoring Schwann cell c-Jun
- Endocrine, metabolic and apical effects of in utero and lactational exposure to non-dioxin-like 2,2′,3,4,4′,5,5′-heptachlorobiphenyl (PCB 180): A postnatal follow-up study in rats
- A unique bipartite Polycomb signature regulates stimulus-response transcription during development
- Bacteroides uniformis combined with fiber amplifies metabolic and immune benefits in obese mice
- The administration of sertraline plus naltrexone reduces ethanol consumption and motivation in a long-lasting animal model of post-traumatic stress disorder
- Neuroimaging reveals functionally distinct neuronal networks associated with high-level alcohol consumption in two genetic rat models
- Selection for environmental variance of litter size in rabbits involves genes in pathways controlling animal resilience
- Pairing Binge Drinking and a High-Fat Diet in Adolescence Modulates the Inflammatory Effects of Subsequent Alcohol Consumption in Mice
- USH2A is a Meissner’s corpuscle protein necessary for normal vibration sensing in mice and humans
- Pilot RNAi Screen in Drosophila Neural Stem Cell Lineages to Identify Novel Tumor Suppressor Genes Involved in Asymmetric Cell Division
- CDK11 Promotes Cytokine-Induced Apoptosis in Pancreatic Beta Cells Independently of Glucose Concentration and Is Regulated by Inflammation in the NOD Mouse Model
- The muscle-relaxing C-terminal peptide from troponin I populates a nascent helix, facilitating binding to tropomyosin with a potent therapeutic effect
- Transplantation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Retinal Pigment Epithelium in a Swine Model of Geographic Atrophy
- Lactose-Gated Mesoporous Silica Particles for Intestinal Controlled Delivery of Essential Oil Components: An In Vitro and In Vivo Study
- Eremantholide C from aerial parts of Lychnophora trichocarpha, as drug candidate: fraction absorbed prediction in humans and BCS permeability class determination
- The second-generation antipsychotic drug aripiprazole modulates the serotonergic system in pancreatic islets and induces beta cell dysfunction in female mice
- Visual Disfunction due to the Selective Effect of Glutamate Agonists on Retinal Cells
- Effect of Postbiotic Based on Lactic Acid Bacteria on Semen Quality and Health of Male Rabbits
- Fatty Acid Profile of Blood Plasma at Mating and Early Gestation in Rabbit
- Respiratory disturbances and high risk of sudden death in the neonatal connexin-36 knockout mouse
- Update on the Inactivation Procedures for the Vaccine Development Prospects of a New Highly Virulent RGNNV Isolate
- Sphingolipid extracts enhance gene delivery of cationic lipid vesicles into retina and brain
- Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Modeling for Predicting Brain Levels of Drug in Rat
- A differential equation based modelling approach to predict supersaturation and in vivo absorption from in vitro dissolution-absorption system (idas2) data
- Diversity of microorganisms in Hyalomma aegyptium collected from spur-thighed tortoise (Testudo graeca) in North Africa and Anatolia
- Modulation of the Tissue Expression Pattern of Zebrafish CRP-Like Molecules Suggests a Relevant Antiviral Role in Fish Skin