Año 2019
Actividades realizadas
- Informe de transparencia: Uso de animales con fines científicos en la UMH en el año 2019
- Promoción de las 3 Rs y divulgación de la utilidad de la investigación con animales:
- Informe anual 2019 del Acuerdo de transparencia sobre el uso de animales en experimentación científica en España
- Directrices para el tratamiento de animales en la investigación y la enseñanza del comportamiento
- Estudio del autismo in vitro como alternativa a la experimentación animal
- Informe de EURL ECVAM sobre el estado del desarrollo, validación y aceptación regulatoria de los métodos alternativos y sus aproximaciones (2018)
- Fish Behaviour Index (FBI): Un interesante software para valorar el bienestar del pez cebra de manera fiable, lo que permite refinar los procedimientos
- Informe anual 2019 del acuerdo COSCE de transparencia sobre el uso de animales en experimentación científica en España
- Garantía de calidad y monitorización genética de roedores de laboratorio. Un informe de FELASA
- Actividades de divulgación:
- Jornada de puertas abiertas en la Semana Mundial del Cerebro celebrada los días 11-17 de Marzo de 2019 en el Instituto de Neurociencias, centro mixto UMH-CSIC, donde se abordó el tema con diferentes charlas divulgativas, exposiciones…
- Formación:
- Formación inicial funciones a, b, c y d año 2019
- Formación continua:
- Plan de formación del PAS 2019 e Iniciativa OIR de formación del PDI/PI 2019
- Seminario: Cómo cumplimentar HAMELIN correctamente
- Webinar sobre alternativas al uso de suero fetal bovino en cultivos celulares
- Seminario sobre la disección genética de la formación de los órganos en los animales
- Seminarios de introducción a la experimentación animal y a la solicitud de proyectos de investigación con animales para estudiantes de grado (psicología, farmacia…)
- Divulgación de avances biomédicos gracias al uso de animales en investigación:
- Seminario sobre la disección genética de la formación de los órganos en los animales
- La UMH renueva su presencia en la Comisión Autonómica de Bienestar de los Animales de Experimentación
- Descubren que el desarrollo de los tejidos en animales es heredado de los organismos unicelulares
- La Caja Rural Central patrocina el desarrollo de nuevos antitumorales para el tratamiento del cáncer de colon en la UMH
- Especialistas de la UMH estudian un tratamiento de la esclerosis que podría utilizarse para eliminar células tumorales del cerebro
- La Generalitat concede a 4 investigadores de la UMH la subvención para contratación de personal investigador en fase postdoctoral
- La UMH organiza un seminario sobre estrategias en opiáceos como tratamientos del dolor crónico y otro sobre sistemas pseudo-ordenados
- Un estudio del Instituto de Neurociencias UMH-CSIC prueba que el sentido del tacto surge en el cerebro antes del nacimiento
- Un estudio señala que el Bisfenol A aumenta la sensación de dolor en ratones
- Investigadores del Instituto de Neurociencias UMH-CSIC descubren cómo neutralizar un cáncer cerebral en un modelo de ratón
- Investigadores del Instituto de Neurociencias descubren la conexión que permite la coordinación bilateral de la visión en mamíferos
- El investigador Ángel Nadal presenta en Corea los efectos del bisfenol, a petición de la Federación Internacional de Diabetes
- Describen la huella epigenética que el aprendizaje y la epilepsia dejan en las neuronas
- El IN participa en un estudio que demuestra que la actividad física prepara a las neuronas para regenerarse en caso de lesión medular
- Especialistas de la UMH y de Chile colaboran para encontrar una cura a la enfermedad del salmón coho que azota la producción piscícola
- Exposición “La Mar de Ciències”
- El desierto del Gobi es una de las zonas con mayor mortalidad de rapaces y no se acometen medidas adecuadas, según un estudio
- La UMH y la Universidad Eslovaca de Agricultura colaborarán en nuevas líneas de investigación
- Jornada sobre investigación e innovación responsable
- Investigadores de la UMH trabajan sobre las causas de la enfermedad renal crónica de causas no tradicionales en Centroamérica
- La investigación de la diabetes centra la II Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores de Excelencia
- Nuevo monográfico del grupo de investigación AITANA sobre prevención en salud mental infanto-juvenil
- II Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores de Excelencia, con motivo del Día Mundial de la Diabetes
- La investigadora Guillermina López Bendito recibe el premio nacional Constantes y Vitales
- El investigador Óscar Marín, IX Premio Remedios Caro Almela del Instituto de Neurociencias UMH-CSIC
- Investigadores del Instituto de Neurociencias UMH-CSIC descubren el mecanismo que sitúa el corazón a la izquierda
- “La noche de las Investigadoras UMH-MUDIC” arranca con la presentación de la web serie “Tiempo para brillar”
- El IDIBE organiza una jornada para difundir su actividad investigadora
- La investigadora Ángela Nieto, Premio Nacional de Investigación “Santiago Ramón y Cajal” de Biología
- El profesor Jorge Alió, Premio Alberto Sols a la ‘Mejor Labor Investigadora’
Artículos publicados
- The centrosome protein AKNA regulates neurogenesis via microtubule organization
- Non-invasive MRI windows to neuroinflammation
- The Immunosuppressant Macrolide Tacrolimus Activates Cold-Sensing TRPM8 Channels
- Targeting the Stress-Induced Protein NUPR1 to Treat Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma
- The Amniote Oculomotor Complex
- Immediate and deferred epigenomic signatures of in vivo neuronal activation in mouse hippocampus«
- Hydroxycholesterol binds and enhances the anti-viral activities of zebrafish monomeric c-reactive protein isoforms
- CBP and SRF co-regulate dendritic growth and synaptic maturation
- CBP/p300 in brain development and plasticity: disentangling the KAT’s cradle
- Cannabidiol does not display drug abuse potential in mice behavior
- FXR modulates the gut-vascular barrier by regulating the entry sites for bacterial translocation in experimental cirrhosis
- Rag1 immunodeficiency-induced early aging and senescence in zebrafish are dependent on chronic inflammation and oxidative stress
- Cbp-dependent histone acetylation mediates axon regeneration induced by environmental enrichment in rodent spinal cord injury models
- O-hexyl O-2,5-dichlorophenyl phosphoramidate as a substrate for domestic and sea bird serum A-esterases: Hydrolysis levels, Cu(2+)- and Zn(2+)-dependence and stereoselectivity
- A Retino-retinal Projection Guided by Unc5c Emerged in Species with Retinal Waves
- Microgrooves and Microrugosities in Titanium Implant Surfaces: An In Vitro and In Vivo Evaluation
- Distinct molecular programs regulate synapse specificity in cortical inhibitory circuits
- Extensive branching of radially-migrating neurons in the mammalian cerebral cortex
- Ligand-based design identifies a potent NUPR1 inhibitor exerting anticancer activity via necroptosis
- Plasma proteomic analysis of zebrafish following spring viremia of carp virus infection
- Prenatal activity from thalamic neurons governs the emergence of functional cortical maps in mice
- Direct pathway neurons in mouse dorsolateral striatum in vivo receive stronger synaptic input than indirect pathway neurons
- The Megalocytivirus RBIV Induces Apoptosis and MHC Class I Presentation in Rock Bream (Oplegnathus fasciatus) Red Blood Cells
- The occurrence and dynamics of polychlorinated hydrocarbons in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in South-western Slovakia
- Distribution of GABAergic Neurons and VGluT1 and VGAT Immunoreactive Boutons in the Ferret (Mustela putorius) Piriform Cortex and Endopiriform Nucleus. Comparison With Visual Areas 17, 18 and 19
- Nurse’s A-Phase-Silicocarnotite Ceramic-Bone Tissue Interaction in a Rabbit Tibia Defect Model
- Pancreatic alpha-cell mass in the early-onset and advanced stage of a mouse model of experimental autoimmune diabetes
- Activity-dependent death of transient Cajal-Retzius neurons is required for functional cortical wiring
- The peripheral eye: A neurogenic area with potential to treat retinal pathologies?
- Using Drosophila Models and Tools to Understand the Mechanisms of Novel Human Cancer Driver Gene Function
- Loss of Cntnap2 Causes Axonal Excitability Deficits, Developmental Delay in Cortical Myelination, and Abnormal Stereotyped Motor Behavior
- Correlated response to selection for litter size environmental variability in rabbits’ resilience
- IFIT5 Participates in the Antiviral Mechanisms of Rainbow Trout Red Blood Cells
- Double Drug Delivery Using Capped Mesoporous Silica Microparticles for the Effective Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Expression of the cold thermoreceptor TRPM8 in rodent brain thermoregulatory circuits
- Effect of stress on somatic cell count and milk yield and composition in goats
- Improved hemodynamic and liver function in portal hypertensive cirrhotic rats after administration of B. pseudocatenulatum CECT 7765
- Integrated Transcriptomic and Proteomic Analysis of Red Blood Cells from Rainbow Trout Challenged with VHSV Point Towards Novel Immunomodulant Targets
- The calmodulin-binding tetraleucine motif of KCNE4 is responsible for association with Kv1.3
- Fish Red Blood Cells Modulate Immune Genes in Response to Bacterial Inclusion Bodies Made of TNFa and a G-VHSV Fragment
- Litter Survival Differences between Divergently Selected Lines for Environmental Sensitivity in Rabbits
- Rainbow Trout Red Blood Cells Exposed to Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Virus Up-Regulate Antigen-Processing Mechanisms and MHC I&II, CD86, and CD83 Antigen-presenting Cell Markers
- Slow-Wave Activity in the S1HL Cortex Is Contributed by Different Layer-Specific Field Potential Sources during Development
- Correlated response in body condition and energy mobilisation in rabbits selected for litter size variability
- Microstructural White Matter Alterations in Men With Alcohol Use Disorder and Rats With Excessive Alcohol Consumption During Early Abstinence
- Unveiling introgression in bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) populations through mitogenome-based markers
- Gender differences in the effects of cannabidiol on ethanol binge drinking in mice
- Impact of Different Titanium Implant Thread Designs on Bone Healing: A Biomechanical and Histometric Study with an Animal Model
- 1-(2′,5′-Dihydroxyphenyl)-3-(2-fluoro-4-hydroxyphenyl)-1-propanone (RGM079): A Positive Allosteric Modulator of a7 Nicotinic Receptors with Analgesic and Neuroprotective Activity
- In utero exposure to bisphenol-A disrupts key elements of retinoid system in male mice offspring
- Ecdysone-Induced 3D Chromatin Reorganization Involves Active Enhancers Bound by Pipsqueak and Polycomb
- TherMouseDuino: An affordable Open-Source temperature control system for functional magnetic resonance imaging experimentation with mice
- The Epigenetic Factor CBP Is Required for the Differentiation and Function of Medial Ganglionic Eminence-Derived Interneurons
- Potential Role of Rainbow Trout Erythrocytes as Mediators in the Immune Response Induced by a DNA Vaccine in Fish
- Comparison between diffusion MRI tractography and histological tract-tracing of cortico-cortical structural connectivity in the ferret brain
- Location and Plasticity of the Sodium Spike Initiation Zone in Nociceptive Terminals In Vivo
- Biomechanical and Histological Analysis of Titanium (Machined and Treated Surface) Versus Zirconia Implant Materials: An In Vivo Animal Study
- Effects of corneal injury on ciliary nerve fibre activity and corneal nociception in mice: A behavioural and electrophysiological study
- Transcranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS) improves detection of simple bright stimuli by amblyopic Long Evans rats in the SLAG task and produces an increase of parvoalbumin labelled cells in visual cortices
- A Novel Agonist of the Type 1 Lysophosphatidic Acid Receptor (LPA(1)), UCM-05194, Shows Efficacy in Neuropathic Pain Amelioration
- Multiple sclerosis drug FTY-720 toxicity is mediated by the heterotypic fusion of organelles in neuroendocrine cells
- Decreased circulating ErbB4 ectodomain fragments as a read-out of impaired signaling function in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- Synaptic mechanisms underlying the intense firing of neocortical layer 5B pyramidal neurons in response to cortico-cortical inputs
- Copper-dependent hydrolysis of trichloronate by turkey serum studied with use of new analytical procedure based on application of chiral chromatography and UV/Vis spectrophotometry
- The metabolic and vascular protective effects of olive (Olea europaea L.) leaf extract in diet-induced obesity in mice are related to the amelioration of gut microbiota dysbiosis and to its immunomodulatory properties
- Ancient mitogenomics clarifies radiation of extinct Mascarene giant tortoises (Cylindraspis spp.)
- Gene delivery to the rat retina by non-viral vectors based on chloroquine-containing cationic niosomes
- Preclinical Evaluation of the Antimicrobial-Immunomodulatory Dual Action of Xenohormetic Molecules against Haemophilus influenzae Respiratory Infection
- A Chronic Ocular-Hypertensive Rat Model induced by Injection of the Sclerosant Agent Polidocanol in the Aqueous Humor Outflow Pathway
- Single versus double experimental bile duct ligation model for inducing bacterial translocation
- Cortistatin regulates glucose-induced electrical activity and insulin secretion in mouse pancreatic beta-cells
- Influence of Olive Extracts on the Expression of Genes Involved in Lipid Metabolism in Medaka Fish
- Different behavior of polyphenols in energy metabolism of lipopolysaccharide-stimulated cells
- The prebiotic properties of Hibiscus sabdariffa extract contribute to the beneficial effects in diet-induced obesity in mice
- Bisphenol A Regulates Sodium Ramp Currents in Mouse Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons and Increases Nociception
- Selective neuronal death following exposure to methylenedioxypyrovalerone is accompanied by an inhibition of NMDA receptor NR2B subunit expression
- Comparative study of extracellular recording methods for analysis of afferent sensory information: Empirical modeling, data analysis and interpretation
- Non-viral vectors based on cationic niosomes and minicircle DNA technology enhance gene delivery efficiency for biomedical applications in retinal disorders
- Impact on intestinal permeability of pediatric hyperosmolar formulations after dilution: Studies with rat perfusion method
- Ion-pair approach coupled with nanoparticle formation to increase bioavailability of a low permeability charged drug